Snorkly Monkey
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
glub glub
Capt. Jimmy Paradise
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Another Maximum Fun pledge drive contest winner.
11:31 PM
Monky Junky
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Based on the monkey seen at
11:31 PM
Acid Tongued Emma the Queen of Kentucky
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Another Maximum Fun pledge drive contest winner.
This scanned way oranger than it really is.
It's too late (at night) to fix it.
11:30 PM
bunch o' monkeys
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Here's a preview of the monkeys that'll be coming in over the next several hours, in color.
If you'd like to name a monkey for me to draw and you to own, enter a name in the box on the right. Only $20! Cheap! There's no zoo on earth that would let you name a monkey and then own it for that price!
7:10 PM
Rose O'Neill
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Johnny at has invited me on as a contributor! Here's my first post.
8:13 AM
United States Postal Service - Star Wars Stamp Sheet
Originally uploaded by Raptor Alpha.
All of the monkeys sent out this week will have a special surprise on the envelope, namely one of these enormo-stamps illustrated by the ever-lovin' Drew Struzan.
That 3PO one is huge.
11:48 AM
Lost Monkey
Originally uploaded by zygotic.
No, I haven't been working on my Spanish--though I really should.
There are currently about 8 monkeys underway as well as a couple more Maximum-Fun-Pledge-Drive-Winner-named-hoboes. All told there are about 15 or so monkeys left on the list, so if you've ordered one it shouldn't be too long before you see it here and in your mailbox.
11:43 AM
Re-Inking Thor, bottom panel
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Here's the bottom panel of my addition to the "re-inking Thor" project. The rest can be seen in my flickr stuff.
11:22 AM
Bad Monkeys!
Originally uploaded by UberJ.
Andrew wrote to tell me that Richard Thompson has a new album out featuring a track entitled bad monkey.
I wonder if he has any hobo songs...
11:18 AM
Thor Pencils
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
If you're a fan of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's epic run on the Mighty Thor, you've heard (and maybe even share) the complaints about the inking style of Vince Colletta. Well, now is your chance to put your ink where your mouth is and have some fun re-embellishing a select page of Kirby's dynamic artistry!
Thanks to the assistance of John Morrow, publisher of The Jack Kirby Collector, I've posted a photostat of Jack Kirby's pencils from a page of Thor issue 144 for you to ink, experiment, and play with.
If you are an artist, or want to simply try your hand at this often overlooked facet of comic book artistry, click here to join and read more about the project.
And no, I haven't forgotten about your wonderfully custom named monkey postcards. In fact, several of them are staring at me from my drawing board right now. Their eyes! Why won't they stop staring!?!
8:23 PM
motivational poster
Originally uploaded by J. Otto.
J. Otto Seibold, creator of Mr. Lunch, Olive the Other Reindeer, TMBG album art and photos, and much more awesomeness, is on flickr. Click it and check it.
9:54 PM
Ouroboros Monkey
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
If so, here's a viciously self destructive monkey to emblazon across your chest, fully customizable at zazzle.
5:36 PM
Ape Sapien
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
There are a few more monkeys coming your way this evening.
You have been warned.
2:01 PM
the Honorable Sparklepants McGuillicutty
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Another of the pledge drive winners.
1:55 PM
Jackhammer Jillpanzee the Overclocked Steampunk Unicorn Chaser
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
I wonder if the person who ordered this one is a fan of the boingboing?!?
1:02 PM
Spencer the Guitar Hero Monkey
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
1:01 PM
High Hose McGinley
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Named by one of the five winners of the Maximum Fun Pledge Drive contest. Congratulations.
1:01 PM
Monkeys in progress
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Several monkeys are in progress, and I hope to get them in the mail before the holiday, though I make no promises.
Also, the eagle eyed may spot a hobo or two on the drawing board. Five lucky winners who made a pledge in the recent Sound of Young America pledge drive won hobo post cards. So far two have named a hobo, and both are clothing related with a McSomething last name. Great minds think alike!
4:02 PM
Illustration Friday: Cars
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Click on the picture in order to read it, unless you understand it at this size.
Monkey progress report in a moment...
3:55 PM
Old Doc Yak
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
From, a treasure trove of old comics. They have tons and tons of Old Doc Yak strips, chronicling his hare-brained cosmetic adjustments to fellow animals who are his patients, his attempts to get these patients to pay, how he came upon a million dollar bill, and his many failed attempts to cash it. From 1912-13. Funny, readable, and it even has a monkey.
Click on it to read it.
Also, Barnacle Press has a store on CafePress with a t-shirt featuring the last panel of this strip. I have one and wear it far too often.
3:13 PM
9:51 PM
Originally uploaded by Salsa.
If you've ordered a monkey up until this very moment, you may expect it to be completed and in the mail within a week. That is my vow.
If you order a monkey after the time of this posting, it will be mailed sometime after one week.
Thank you.
(also: I couldn't find a picture of the English edition of "What to Expect When You're Expecting" on flickr, so I posted this one. Dig that crazy stork.)
8:05 PM
Holy Mackeral
Originally uploaded by detoxicide.
First of all, thanks to "Holy Mac" for suggesting Mona Lisa Monkey and Hellmonkey to boingboing. I really appreciate it and hope to repay you somehow even though I have no idea who you are. If you don't read, you should. It is as wonderful a directory as their byline claims.
Also, apologies are in order:
First, to Rick Meyerowitz, whose work I am very familiar with, though I had never seen his Mona Gorilla. I didn't even know he painted. I'd only seen his cartoonery. His version is awesome. I was too young to be reading National Lampoon in those days. So young in fact that I wasn't even born yet.
I also apologize to anyone who speaks Spanish, which obviously does not include me.
And finally, thanks to those of you who have taken the opportunity to type a monkey name into that box over there. There are some funny ones on the horizon, and I am grateful and excited we can collaborate in this apparently underpriced manner.
2:47 PM
Monkey Lisa
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
In Spanish, "Mona Lisa" means "pretty little monkey girl".
9:59 PM
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Another possible title for this one: Anung Kong Rama.
9:59 PM
Sensei Saru, Master of the Monkey Jump
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
I've never played Go, but I'm pretty sure this sort of behavior is frowned upon, Sensei or not.
9:58 PM
Vince, Gay Grandmaster Asian Monkey
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
9:58 PM
Monkey Boy becomes Monkey Man
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
For those keeping score, this is the third iteration of this title.
9:57 PM
Originally uploaded by Djivy.
Click on this link to see a catalogue (in French? Or Belgian?), of the cars featured in Tintin comics through the years.
6:18 PM
Kuifje / Tintin and Captain Haddock in Brussels, Belgium (Apr 2007)
Originally uploaded by Cor Lems.
Check out this cool mural in Brussels, where they love their Tintin like we here in the states love our Charlie Brown.
6:16 PM
Happy 100th!
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Georges Prosper Remi (May 22, 1907 – March 3, 1983), better known by the pen name Hergé, was a Belgian comics writer and artist... Read more about his life and work by clicking on the previous sentence.
Expect a handful of monkey postcards soon! One with horns even. Well, horn stumps actually.
9:59 PM
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
These are monkeys from a freelance assignment a few years back. If you are an art director, or play one on tv, visit my illustration portfolio and see how you can put me to work for you.
For those who have ordered a monkey (via the sidebar at right), several will be ambling in (ambling? Is that right? What is the way a chimp walks called?) over the next couple of days.
For those who haven't ordered a monkey yet, don't worry, they aren't going anywhere anytime too soon.
Or are they?
8:08 PM
Illustration Friday: Signs
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
I tried to work in a reference to the monkey postcards I'm selling, but couldn't pull it off. There aren't too many monkeys here in Orlando. Just a big mouse in red underpants and huge yellow shoes. You know the guy.
9:31 PM
Sock Monkey Dress Takes the Blue Ribbon!
Originally uploaded by Monkey River Town.
High fashion meets folk art at the Minnesota State Fair.
7:51 PM
Monkey from Beyond the Grave
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
10:00 PM
Bingo Bango and his Magic Fez
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
You saw the first two phases of this one last night.
9:59 PM