Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Hey look. It's not taking 4 days for videos I post via the "share" button on youtube to appear here.
Also, that's a bowling ball.
9:28 PM
Mr. Taco and other scrawlings
I've posted my most recent in-progress sketchbook.
It's a moleskine, but it's probably my last for a while. I prefer white paper and a lower price tag. Also truth in advertising. But that's just me, some people (like Jim Woodring) do fantastic things with theirs.
9:10 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
I have no idea what this means
...but I found it while looking up smoke rings in flickr's creative commons pool.
9:37 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #816
Another one for today and oh look! --the back log on flickr has come to an end. Expect a new comic Monday.
2:35 PM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #815
Several weeks ago someone requested a reference to THX-1138. And here it is. I shoulda made this one more starkly minimalistic.
2:33 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #814 and note
It's probably not the best idea to post this note here, since the people it's addressed to usually only read my stuff on flickr. Anyway, I'll be up and running with new comics within a few days. If you haven't read the flickr-group-only comics, you won't notice a change.
My computer has arrived in Utah (though I have yet to unbox and check it out), so I'll soon be able to scan and send the backlog of comics. I'll go back to one a day, instead of one month hidden on flickr, then none for 30 days.
Thank you for your continued patience and support. You are a credit to your organization, whatever that may be.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a sudden urge to go play Mario Brothers 3.
7:14 PM
Confessions for a Friday evening
A few things I should probably admit to (feel free to harangue me or post your own admissions in the comments):
I've only ever played the original NES Zelda once, and it was a couple of nights ago. So far, I still like Kid Icarus better (though I should probably invest another 22 years of play before I make a judgment).
I can count the number of Star Trek episodes I've seen: 20-ish. And that's from all of the series. I've only seen 3 of the movies (maybe 3. Is there one with whales and nuclear war, or am I thinking of Superman?).
I've never played D&D (though I did roll and draw a few characters).
Aside from a 15-year-old Sega Genesis, I currently do not own a gaming console.
I've only ever seen one episode of Doctor Who. The one where the Daleks finally die and the new Doctor comes on the scene.
There. That feels better.
(I don't mean to imply disdain for any of these things. It's simply stuff I haven't yet got around to, what with all the comic books and X-Files.)
7:07 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #810, and a couple of notes
Note: I'm in Utah now.
Also note: new comics (for those of you who have read ahead in teh Foundlings group on Flickr*) will be coming in a few days, once I'm a bit more settled here in the intermountain** west.
*This morning I saw an actual flicker (with an E) pecking away on a telephone pole. Yesterday it was the bald eagles and mergansers of Florida, today it is the flickers and chukars of Utah.
**Or, as they say here, "intermoun'un".
6:42 PM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Not just for babies
Please note: I did see the article regarding the weaponized hedgehog. Thanks to everyone who notified me.
Also please note the spate of hedgehog animosity in semi-recent installments of the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats. Is there a connection?
Finally, this design is not just for babies. As with all of the stuff I post on zazzle, a variety of colors and styles are available.
2:54 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #808
More leaf and Beatles-based puns in the comments over on flickr. Click at your peril.
11:41 PM
Princess of Maui...
...jet pilots, parade goers, airport tram passengers, storks: listen up! All of you have got to hide your love away.
I ask you: how can they expect someone to sing along to these things with all of the awesomeness on screen?
11:32 PM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #807
It would behoove* you to click on this comic and read the comments over on the flickr**.
*I apologize for using that word. It seems to call too much attention to itself.
**Which now features video***.
***Enough already with the asterisks.
12:05 AM
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
This image may disgust some of you*
But I feel it's worth pointing out.
Thank you, Mary.
*I only learned very recently that some people** are troubled by seeing already chewed gum (aka ABC gum) in the wild***.
**Namely, my wife.
***Namely, NYC.
11:59 PM
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
And now, a commercial
More like this on the youtube, but I warn you: they will make you hungry for Pocky.
Also, there aren't enough chanted jingles anymore.
11:30 PM
Comics are once again available
Via the orange, candy-like button on the top of the right sidebar.
11:27 PM
woot shirt update
Here's the link in case you were reluctant to push the button on yesterday's shirt:
11:21 PM
hobo fight!
This design is available in a variety of colors and sizes on Even little baby sizes! If someone buys this for a baby I will be forever surprised and grateful.
11:04 PM
Monday, April 07, 2008
Jesse is correct
This is a pretty great video. (Aren't there supposed to be 4 Weezers though? What gives?)
More from Mr. Thorn here.
10:14 PM
Sunday, April 06, 2008
woot shirt
Here's a sneak preview of another shirt I designed for, which will go on sale in a little over an hour.
If you miss your chance to buy it for $10 (or if it sells out), check the comments there for a link where it will be available for $15 after tomorrow*. If you're not familiar with how the system works, read this.
If this post doesn't make sense (particularly the sentence marked with a *), I apologize. I just drove in from Alexandria VA, and boy are my wheels tired.
9:44 PM
Friday, April 04, 2008
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #803 and a note
I will not be posting any comics tomorrow or Sunday, so here's an extra one for today. Try to enjoy it slowly and in small doses over the next few days so the absence does not sting quite so much.
And in case you missed it, here's a photo of me and John Hodgman, who is in fact a true gentleman (though not a true Southern Gentleman---he had neither a mint julep nor a pencil thin black bow tie, as you can see. He did call me "suh" a time or two though.). Please also note, he is decidedly pro-ukulele and has almost convinced me to buy one, even though my enormity would make the already tiny stringed instrument look comically tiny.
1:34 PM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
A note regarding #800, and a few other things
Firstly, #800 is not drawn, or even conceived, at the moment. I try to make every hundredth comic something special and colorful, but the recent ones remain invisible and nonexistent. #800 will be posted along with #'s 500, 600, and 700 at some point in the hopefully near future. You have my word on it.
Second, several of you view these comics through various and strange methods which I am unfamiliar with. For some reason, an unfortunate segment of readers have been unable to view recent comics on flickr. There is a group on flickr which can be found via this link: If you join, you will have access to comics all the way through #816.
Third-wise, tonight I'll post some important photographs to flickr which you may enjoy.
2:27 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #799
As peek out onto my back porch will confirm, Kitteh's attempts failed. Someday he will make a true and lasting peace.
10:02 PM