Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Following up on previously mentioned matters
The previously hidden twitter account of Aloysius G. Koford can be found here: (as previously noted here).
Also: thank you to everyone who has sent a SASE for a free bookplate. So far I've been able to get them back in the mail the very next day. The P.O. Box to which you can send a SASE now appears on the right side of this blog.
Furthermore: I'll be signing books in LA in a few weeks. More on that as things develop.
Too: welcome visitors from BoingBoing!
Finally: Sandrino is a dandy photographer, and I always like seeing his close-ups of the things I send him.
12:26 AM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Tonight's upcoming comic comes from an almost true story. I merely chipped my tooth on a king cake baby in 2002.
Also: my great-grandfather's twitter updates appear to the right.
Also also: thanks to everyone who has sent a SASE (see also the right side of this blog). They are heading back to you as I type this.
9:51 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
26 467678268 6377243 3766 25697487. --UPDATED--
473384647 3766 74822476 475263.
46 67337 86 266228 843 5663546377 46437368 46 6266464 8447 33765283 6862377 7828466, 4'83 7827833 87464 8948837.266, 27 4'6 7873 6269 63 968 4283 (846844 4 4673 367 238837 7327667 8426 6463).
43 968 96853 5453 86 3463 263 365569 63 66 8948837, 753273 73337 86 843 34778 84336 332887464 63 66 2646426464 88.
69 3275 426353 47 843 7263 27 69 8948837 426353, 9484 66 772237.
23 843 34778 86 3463 63 66 8948837 263 69 66 4663 47328-47263766 9455 7363 968 766384464.
288 9248, 84373'7 6673: 3766 8463 86 8463, 4 9455 7678 8732837 66 8948837 8428 9455 23446 263 363 9484 3 78277. 5453 76: ***2524 2524 2524***
23 843 8379 34778 86 77673759 872675283 84373 7827733 893387 263 968 9455 7323483 663 63 629 76774253 787774737:
67444625 278 3766 "843 52844-688-5683 2287 7355 688", 744633 767822737, 67 766384464 3573.
46 67337 86 946, 746759 23 843 34778 86 73759 9484 26 "28" 796265, 36556933 29 69 8948837 6263, 8436 843 3326333 6377243.
43 968 273 843 34778, 4 9455 2668228 968 46 383 8463: 84373'7 66 6333 86 737837 63. 4 26 8379 653.
968 9455 6333 86 7446 87 9484 8948837 46 67337 86 946 (968 9373 26863 86 269929), 263 968 226 6659 946 766384464 6623.
4663 64448. 629 843 2256464 4477 63 843 62326 23 9687 5855229.
2576: 96853 843 34778 737766 5463 366844 86 872675283 8447 727333 753273 7678 843 776737 87267528466 46 843 26663687?
---Begin translation [with minor corrections]---
An important message from Aloysius.
Greetings from Pitcairn Island.
In order to combat the loneliness inherent to manning this desolate numbers station, I've started using, as I'm sure many of you have (though I hope for better reasons than mine).
If you would like to find and follow me on Twitter, please refer to the first video featuring me on BoingBoing tv.
My Fark handle is the same as my Twitter handle, with no spaces.
Be the first to find me on Twitter and my no good great-grandson will send you something. [Congratulations @sgnp]
But wait, there's more: from time to time, I will post updates on Twitter that will begin and end with 3 stars. Like so: ***blah blah blah***
Be the very first to properly translate these starred tweets and you will receive one of many possible surprises:
Original art from "the laugh-out-loud cats sell out", signed postcards, or something else.
In order to win, simply be the first to reply with an "at" symbol, followed by my Twitter name, then the decoded message.
If you are the first, I will contact you in due time: there's no need to pester me. I am very old.
You will need to sign up with Twitter in order to win (you were going to anyway), and you can only win something once.
Good night. May the calming hiss of the ocean be your lullaby.
Also: would the first person kind enough to properly this screed please post the proper translate in the comments? [thank you, az and Evil Nickname, et al]
11:00 PM
Labels: presented without explanation
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Updated SASE details
Here are the long-awaited answers to questions asked in the comments and elsewhere:
If you live outside the US, and your country no longer uses IRCs (I'm looking at you, Netherlands), just send a self-addressed envelope.
Also: if you are a member of the fan club, put your member number on the envelope somewhere.
Finally: regular sized envelopes are fine.
Thank you.
8:23 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
P.O. Box 218
Would you like a signed bookplate to paste snugly in your copy of The Laugh-Out-Loud Cats Sell Out? Here's how to get one:
Step 1. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to this address:
Adam Koford
P.O. Box 218
Farmington, UT 84025
Step 2. Wait patiently (don't worry, I sign my name pretty fast).
Step 3. Enjoy!
Thank you.
11:52 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
I hope your day is lovely.
By the way, designwallah has the kind of photostream on flickr you could wander through all day.
3:53 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1057
Happy Birthday Charles Darwin.
It's been a while since I've posted a monkey.
11:24 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Charlie finds an appropriate pillow
I cannot guarantee the efficacy of using this book as a pillow, but who am I to tell a cat what to do?
Thanks schmuela!!!
8:43 PM
Monday, February 09, 2009
Here's a picture of me signing books at Comic Con in New York this weekend. Thanks to everyone who showed up and said hi and/or bought a book. It will be available to non-Comic Con attendees on March 1st and you can preorder it now on Amazon.
There will likely be other signings in LA, possibly San Diego, and maybe Salt Lake. I'll post more info as things develop.
If you don't get a chance to meet me in person (and who can blame you), I'll be sending out free signed bookplates via self-addressed stamped envelope once the book is out. More on that later as well.
I have some fun stuff planned for the coming weeks, so watch this space.
9:45 PM
Thursday, February 05, 2009
(This image is what comes up when you search for "1825" in the creative commons pool on flickr (thanks cliff1066!).)
1825 also happens to be the booth number for Abrams at New York ComicCon, which I will be attending this weekend. I'll be signing my as-yet-to-be-released book there on Friday from 3 to 4, and Saturday from 11 to Noon.
1:10 AM
This is not a winner
...because it's from last year. It didn't win then either. It's still my favorite though. He's got a tiny head! I should have made the butterfly gigantic.
But! One of my Tilley's did win and is on the New Yorker site this week: NYer.
There were many many excellent entries, though no one has yet gone to the extreme of getting Eustace Tilley tattooed on their noggin. There's always next year, someone.
12:54 AM
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1051
As mentioned previously, I'll be attending ComicCon in NYC this weekend. There won't be a comic posted on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday as a result. I'll try to make it up to you all somehow.
Thank you.
4:36 PM