Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
We have a winner!
Winner at the Delta County Fair, Colorado (LOC), a photo by The Library of Congress on Flickr.
...and the winner's name is JeremyTurner (not pictured).
He wins the original drawing of Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2246!
He was chosen by the random number generator, so any complaints should be addressed to that fine website.
Please allow me to thank each and every one of you for commenting. It's nice to know people are still reading.
11:26 PM
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2250
I'll be giving away the drawing that became this design in 24 hours or so. There's still a chance to comment on the post from earlier this week, and there's still a chance to vote.
10:47 PM
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Tonight on shirt.woot
Speaking of woot, the image seen above is now available for sale on my favorite shirt site. Here's the link! Tell all of your friends, especially if they're fans of creepy forest hunters with dreadlocks for some reason.
11:23 PM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2249
Pip is still up for vote over at shirt.woot. Holding steady around 100 votes, it's not likely to print. But don't think for a moment that I don't appreciate those hundred votes. Thanks!
11:21 PM
Monday, April 22, 2013
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2248
BREAKING: Pip needs your help! Vote here! This design still needs another hundred or so votes if it's gonna get printed and if you're going to wear it to the big dance where your parents will meet for the first time, assuming you're some sort of time traveler.
Sorry for starting a post with BREAKING. Just trying to get the word out is all.
11:05 PM
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2247
REMINBER*: comment on this post for a chance to win a drawing.
Also: the aforementioned drawing is up for vote on shirt.woot. If recent derbies are any indication, it needs another 200 votes or so if it has any hope of getting printed.
*REMINBER is a combination of reminder and remember. It should always be capitalized.
10:35 PM
Friday, April 19, 2013
Comment here for a chance to win
This is the drawing that became this design, and again, you don't have to vote for the shirt design for a chance to win.
I'll choose the winner a week from now, and be sure to log in with your google account or some other way so I know how to contact you if you win. Don't leave your email address in your comment, that sort of thing flies in the face of internet decorum.
Finally: thanks! Have a great weekend!
11:57 PM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #2246
I'm proactively leveraging my cross-platform synergies for maximum brand awareness and viral osmosis! By which I mean tonight's comic is up for vote in the shirt.woot derby this week.
Attentive readers will remember this is a repeated gag, and will find it in their hearts to forgive me. I think it works well as a shirt, and who's to say Pip doesn't repeat pipself from pip to pip---I mean time to time?
Would you mind voting for it? Here's the link*.
It's the 300th derby over at woot, so I thought I'd do something special, even though I know the crowd usually doesn't particularly care for creme shirts.
Also, I'll be giving away this drawing (in the next post). You don't need to vote to enter to win the drawing drawing. It'll be a random selection sort of deal.
*You can vote at woot if you've ever purchased anything from them before. Log in and click "I'd want one." That's how they used to vote in ancient Greece, too. They'd log in and click "I'd want one."
11:50 PM