Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Hey everybody! If you are just dropping in from the post on, welcome to the insanity, and thanks for visiting!
A few things I should make clear:
I originally only planned on doing 200 of these hoboes submitted by you, bringing the overall project to a nice even 1000 hoboes. So, if it takes a week or three months for 200 names to come in, time is limited.
Also, I'll do them in the order I've received them and post them here and on flickr as soon as they are off the drawing board.
They'll go in the mail on the same day they're posted.
Also, I'd love to be able to do more custom stuff (like from photos and such), but for the most part I'm asking you to trust my hobo judgment. If you're not familiar with my work or the preceding hobo art project that lead up to this click here to learn more about this silliness. Also, if you haven't read John Hodgman's book The Areas of My Expertise, I highly recommend it.
There have been a lot of funny names ordered so far, so keep watching this space as they roll in. If you have ordered a hobo name and have any questions, feel free to contact me.
And once again, thank you!