Friday, May 11, 2007


Originally uploaded by plaid_knight.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Mark Frauenfelder of today, and our conversation can be heard here, on the Get Illuminated! podcast. We covered a large range of topics, including Hodgman, Colletta, monkeys, Pumaman*, and more.
We didn't discuss the origin of my online moniker, but I've explained that elsewhere. If anyone remembers how the name "Ape Lad" was bestowed upon me, post it in the comments. If no one remembers or can find it, I will tell you about it some other time. Suffice it to say, the name chose me and not the other way around.

*one correction: Donald Pleasance stars in Pumaman, not Rod Steiger. I apologize to their respective estates.

Monkeys soon.