Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A special offer for the next 6 to 8 hours...

life drawing
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.

I'm about to hit the hay for the evening, so how's this for a deal: two-for-one on either of the projects listed. Two Laugh-Out-Loud Cats for the price of one! Or, if you'd prefer, two critters for the price of one (color or black & white)---indicate the second name in the box for additional info on paypal.
This offer will last until I roll out of bed.
Also, the picture above is from my life drawing set on flickr. If there is any advice I would offer someone who wants to learn to draw, it's this: life drawing. Lots of it.
Also, did I fail to mention the interview posted on the Zazzle Blog yesterday? Here's a link.
Good night!