Thursday, July 19, 2007

Your questions. Let me answer them.

Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.

As promised, there are a few more products available via my store on zazzle, including this shirt, suggested by a pal on flickr, which has an image on front and back. The previous post this evening shows the dizzying array of Kitteh and Pip swag now available. Also an apron suggested by a fellow flickrer.
Now, on to the questions that have made their way to me via flickr and email and comments here:
Q: Can I get [insert image name], on a shirt/cap/something on zazzle?
A: Sure! Let me know what you would like to see on what and I'll do it.
Q: Where is the cartoon I ordered?
A: There are about 4 left in the queue, so chances are it's in the mail or on the drawing board. Every cartoon posted here is in the mail.
Q: [Insert aggressive naysayer remark questioning the veracity of the history of these characters and the integrity of my personality. In the form of a question.]
A: [a hug]
Q: Can you help me get something posted on BoingBoing?
A: No. They have a submission form.
Q: Can you help me get something posted on Drawn!?
A: Maybe, but I make no promises. Your best bet is the submission page there too.
Q: Can you introduce me to John Hodgman?
A: No. We've never met in real life.
Q: When are you going to stop drawing monkeys?
A: Oh, I'm not sure. Is there something else you would like me to draw on demand? Something not pirates?
Q: Why not hoboes again?
A: hmmmm.... maybe eventually.
Q: Weren't you going to post some monkeys tonight?
A: I still might, but we keep losing power due to lightning. Central Florida is the lightning capital of the United States, or so I'm told.
Q: Did people really ask you these questions, or are you just talking to yourself?
A: All of these questions are real, except this one.
Q: What are you doing?
A: *sigh*