Wednesday, August 01, 2007

We interrupt our regularly scheduled broadcast for this message...

Originally uploaded by marcusparcus.

Hobo artist and flickr pal Marcus Parcus transmits the following:


Some of you know about this, some of you don't, but I need ALL of your help.

As of this past weekend, the writer/artist team of Sir Kevin Buckley and myself have officially been placed as one of the TOP TEN FINALISTS in PLATINUM STUDIOS COMIC BOOK CHALLENGE 2007!!

If you haven't heard of it, the CBC is a contest where people from all over the world compete for a comic book print deal and prizes. The first part of the contest was narrowing the entries down to 50, then those 50 had to pitch their ideas before a panel of judges and they were cut down to 10. Now, the 10 pitches and their artwork have been placed onto the net where YOU, yes YOU, must vote for the top spots "American Idol" style.

It's an amazing opportunity for Kevin to reach his goal as a writer for comics (and it ain't too bad for my fledgling comic art career either); I would like to extend a gracious invitation for those on Flickr to take a look at Kevin's pitch, decide if you like it, and then vote for us like crazy!!!

Watch our pitch and vote HERE:

(you can view the other people in the contest there as well)

You can also check out some preview pencil pages, sketchbook, bios, etc. we've worked up for the comic "The Strange & Many Eyes of Dr.LeFaux" at:

So, if you've ever been a friend of mine, will soon be a new friend of mine or have simply gotten this message from a repost and don't know who the crap I am... get those votes in! Vote a million times a day! Get all of your friends to vote!! I won't be happy until every man, woman, child, lolcat or dog has voted!

Thank you kindly,


Please make Marcus Parcus happy.
Good night.