Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Perfect for any decor

Rory, a long time supporter of the hobo and monkey related arts, sends along this picture. See, they really are suitable for framing. If you have a picture of something I've sent you, send it along or post it to flickr and let me know about it.
A couple of things:
I really should think about some sort of Pip fan club, as has been suggested in the comments here and elsewhere.
Also, mark your favorite Laugh-Out-Loud Cats cartoons over on the flickr set, and at the end of this week I'll make the top ten into shirts and stuff over on Zazzle.
And finally, thanks again for visiting. This is pretty much one of the awesomest things I've ever been involved with, and it wouldn't be anything without you people.
There will be more cartoons up soon.