Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Follow up to Neatorama caption contest and sundry items

Neatorama Laugh-Out-Loud Cats contest *DO NOT SUBMIT CAPTION HERE*
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.

Alex at Neatorama has allowed me to be the judge of the caption contest. I'll make a decision sometime around 12:00 pm EST Wednesday. There are already 124 entries, so I have some sorting to do.
The fan club postcards have not arrived yet. As soon as they do, the second round of memberships will start going out. The third round too.
#400: still on the drawing board. #500 also. Remember, #500 will be given away to a fan club member, chosen at random, regardless of when they joined. I'm still deciding what #400 will be all about. #500 will be a hobo rumble featuring a cast of thousands. Well, maybe not thousands.
During the second round of fan club memberships, about 15 people ordered hobo names. Expect those in the coming days too.
Posts will probably slow to a trickle after tomorrow afternoon as the holiday approaches and consumes all with turkey and various ciders.