Monday, January 21, 2008

Additional book information

Meet the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.

The proof copy of Meet the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats should be in my hands within the week. It's pocket sized (for your convenience) and is jam packed with comics and new drawings. It also includes some notes and thoughts from Pappy himself as well as a leaf or two.
My goal is to have it available by the end of the month and things seem to be heading that way. I'm also working on a system to do signed copies. I'll keep you posted as I figure stuff out.
Meanwhile, my monitor is on the fritz. I may have found a new one through craigslist, but comics won't be posted till such things are resolved---most likely late tonight.
At the moment I can't see the top half of the screen. Or should I say I can only see the bottom half of the screen. I try to remain optimistic about such things.