This Saturday, November 1st, I'll be selling comics again, but this time they will be ones that have not been drawn yet. Like in olden times.*
If there is something you'd like to request, if there is a particular theme you enjoy**, or if there is a special someone in mind who you think would like a comic in time for the holidays or other special moment, Saturday is your day to order.
I don't know what time the sales will "go live", but:
1. It won't be till the afternoon.
2. I will provide ample warning. Probably 3 hours or so, like last week.
3. I don't know how long the opportunity will last. I'll sell them till I think it's too much for me to handle, given my various other civic and familial responsibilities.
Even if you just want a random comic, you can order. Don't feel like you need to come up with something. Or if you just have a general idea, that's fine too.
Also note: I'll send them as I draw them, so if you order a comic, it may show up in your mailbox (in 1 to 4 weeks, usually no longer) before you see it here, if it ends up here at all.***
Also also note: feel free to email me with questions or concerns. My email is ak (at symbol) adamkoford (then you type a dot) com.
I'll also be adding stuff to my zazzle store in time for the holidays (perhaps even a skateboard****), and am open to requests.
And lastly, you may notice in the comic above, the word ZOO in the background. I asked my great-grandfather about that, to which he responded, "There, on the mountaintop, they've got some wild, wild life." When I pointed out the fact that there did not appear to be any fences or structures you would commonly associate with a zoo, and that it seemed like a really inconvenient place for it, he just laughed and hung up the phone on me*****.
**I'm really trying to avoid "fail" comics.
***In rare cases, they don't show up here at all for a variety of reasons.
****though I doubt it.
*****I'm not sure exactly where he was calling from. It's been very difficult to reach him lately. I thought I could hear the ocean in the background though.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #975 and some information regarding another upcoming sale of comics
11:07 PM