Here's a design I've entered in the weekly shirt.woot derby because I'm a glutton for punishment. You can vote for it here.
Also this one, which really makes you think.
Why do I keep entering these derbies if I never win, you ask? A) Sometimes I win. and B) the shirt.woot people are really genuinely good folks, and it's not like they own these designs if they don't win. I could eventually do something with them on my own somewhere down the road. But I don't like to think about that. I like to think about victory, and victory doesn't come without votes, so please vote, won't you?
You have to have made at least one purchase on any woot site in order to be able to vote, and you are under no obligation to purchase the design if you vote. It's not like they'll shove you in a frozen lake or anything.
And lastmost, this shirt will probably be gone soon, so get it while you can.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Again with all the shirt links...
12:58 AM