Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #456
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
This may seem a bit out of character till you consider Pip is a child. And a cat.
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #456
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
This may seem a bit out of character till you consider Pip is a child. And a cat.
11:03 PM
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Have you used before? Basically, they offer a new t-shirt everyday for $10, then it's gone. Sometimes they don't even last the whole day. Some of the shirts sell out in a couple of hours.
Here's a shirt I designed for them that will be available very soon. Midnight Central to be specific. As in a little over a half hour. If you want one, get over there and order one while it's available.
If you miss your chance, I can help you, but it'll be a few dollars more. I'll post the link to the second chance when it becomes necessary.
10:28 PM
And the Winner Is...
Originally uploaded by Atwater Village Newbie.
In case you weren't here last week, I mentioned that I'd be giving away ten signed copies of a recent book I worked on, called the Cookie Thief, to fan club members. Here are the numbers of the fan club members who have won (these numbers were chosen at random, I promise):
54, 80, 49, 36, 88, 08, 37, 41, 60, and 64!
The fan club memberships should all be in the mail by Monday the 5th of November. If there are any unforeseen setbacks, mishaps, or slowdowns, I will post about them here.
Thanks again!
One more thing: I bet the cookie depicted above will look better on a day when I'm not full of Halloween candy.
10:22 PM
Pip for Halloween
Originally uploaded by procrastinet.
This picture is all kinds of awesome! Thanks, RJ.
Are you dressing up tonight? I'm going to be a monk (a gyrovague, of course).
1:49 PM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #455
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
For Alex, of Neatorama fame.
9:10 AM
If you haven't seen the Palm Beach Story, I recommend it.
Too bad that airport idea never caught on.
7:54 AM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #448
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
You may notice a slow down in posts as I prepare all of the fan club memberships for mailing.
I'll probably post some pictures of my progress along the way.
2:36 PM
Number 149 Blackbolt King of the Inhumans
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Here's my very first contribution to the 700 hoboes project, created two years ago today.
Thanks again to every single one of the 500,000 visitors who've dropped by my flickr stream since then, and to all of the bloggers who've shared my stuff elsewhere.
2:34 PM
Simone as Kitteh
Originally uploaded by juco.
Dan and Julie, who I've met in real life and enjoyed a pizza with, have posted a set of incredibly funny and awesome photos of their cats dressed as my cats for Halloween (though I see no reason why these can't be their permanent uniforms).
Here's the whole set. Go heap praises on them.
10:52 PM
I've been forwarded a photo of a cat attempting to consume one of the comics I've sent. Laugh-Out-Loud Cats are part of a healthy feline breakfast.
Also, here's Cthulhu, looking right at home.
(Thanks, Julie!)
9:14 PM
Please enjoy this hobo song Sam brought to my attention: here (I couldn't get the player to embed. Isn't that always the case? There's also a great Leon Redbone song in the discussion there.)
9:07 PM
I'ze Lucky
Originally uploaded by Beth E. Dogg.
Beth added a printed copy of a recent comic to her impressive collection of lucky cats. And to her I raise a paw.
12:21 PM
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #434
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Note: I can't keep up with all of the comments posted here and on the flickr, but I do read and appreciate them all. THANK YOU!
9:12 AM
I can has pumpkin?
Originally uploaded by rjevans.
Thanks to Ryan for sending along a photo of this seasonal creation.
8:59 PM
Jasper and his Pip mask
Originally uploaded by kostia.
Thanks Kostia!
8:36 PM
Originally uploaded by halcyonsnow.
Look, it's a real live Kitteh!
Halcyonsnow provided the idea, Subspace does the modeling, and we all win.
10:21 AM
Kitteh Mask
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad.
Click on either one of these images for instructions on how to be Kitteh or Pip for Halloween.
Thanks to fellow hobo artist Halcyonsnow for reminding me to check the archives.
7:04 PM