Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cookie Thief giveaway winners...

And the Winner Is...
Originally uploaded by Atwater Village Newbie.

In case you weren't here last week, I mentioned that I'd be giving away ten signed copies of a recent book I worked on, called the Cookie Thief, to fan club members. Here are the numbers of the fan club members who have won (these numbers were chosen at random, I promise):
54, 80, 49, 36, 88, 08, 37, 41, 60, and 64!
The fan club memberships should all be in the mail by Monday the 5th of November. If there are any unforeseen setbacks, mishaps, or slowdowns, I will post about them here.
Thanks again!
One more thing: I bet the cookie depicted above will look better on a day when I'm not full of Halloween candy.