Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Here's my latest shirt derby entry, with instructions
Here's my latest shirt entry over in the woot derby. I've also posted easy to follow instructions here for your convenience. If the "I'd want one" button is not visible to you, that means you've never bought anything from woot. Not even a Roomba or a refurbished Zune.
As always, thank you for your votes over the past months. I hope to someday get to the point where I instantly receive thousands of votes the very moment I post a design. HUBRIS!
1:20 PM
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
yet another plea for votes and a note regarding comments on this blog...
Would you mind voting for this t-shirt design? Also would you mind asking your friends (online or otherwise) to do the same? I appreciate it! My recent designs have been gaining momentum, but not quite getting into the top 3 lately, which I can only blame on myself and my lack of incessant vote pleas.
Also: I've turned on full moderation for comments on this blog because I am getting grief for one spam comment from 3 years ago I had no idea even existed deep within the archives of this site. My shame knows no bounds!
As some of you may remember from the last time this happened a few years ago, it takes me a while to moderate comments (I live an active lifestyle, what with the job and kids and all), so if your comments don't show up immediately, please don't think that means I don't love and respect you deeply as a person.
10:59 PM
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Again with all the shirt links...
Here's a design I've entered in the weekly shirt.woot derby because I'm a glutton for punishment. You can vote for it here.
Also this one, which really makes you think.
Why do I keep entering these derbies if I never win, you ask? A) Sometimes I win. and B) the shirt.woot people are really genuinely good folks, and it's not like they own these designs if they don't win. I could eventually do something with them on my own somewhere down the road. But I don't like to think about that. I like to think about victory, and victory doesn't come without votes, so please vote, won't you?
You have to have made at least one purchase on any woot site in order to be able to vote, and you are under no obligation to purchase the design if you vote. It's not like they'll shove you in a frozen lake or anything.
And lastmost, this shirt will probably be gone soon, so get it while you can.
12:58 AM
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 09, 2011
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1852
I'm not sure if I believe this, but it was sure fun to draw.
I guess I believe it.
12:42 AM
There's a Quonset hut group on flickr
It's here. I joined, though I've yet to submit anything to the pool.
They've got the craziest Quonset huts in there. One of 'em's art deco!
12:39 AM
by the way this might possibly win
Since I'm doing all this blogging tonight, I might as well put in another plug for this design, which you can vote for here. It already has more votes than it did the first time around, and it appears to be staying in the fog, which is a good thing.
BUT: I've learned not to count my votes before they're defogged.
There are less than 12 hours left to vote, so tell your Inspector Spacetime loving friends, if you don't mind.
12:29 AM
The Big Time!
Here's another project I had the pleasure of working on. It's called The Big Time, and you can read all about it here, on one of my favorite blogs, Barnacle Press.
Download it, print it, play it, and let me know what you think.
12:16 AM
Floating RiffTrax Heads
Depending on when you're looking at this post, RiffTrax TV is currently not broadcasting, which is good, because I want to show you something.
First of all, if you're not familiar with RiffTrax, check them out here, and for heaven's sake support* the best thing that's happened to motion pictures since MST3K.
So, the thing I want to show you is the three floating heads you may or may not currently see suspended against the color bars on the RiffTrax TV image above. I drew those. From what I understand, you'll start to see them used on other RiffTrax products in the not too distant future**.
*By which I mean don't get your RiffTrax from filesharing sites. I want them to do this forever, and they can't do it for free.
**See what I did there?
12:12 AM
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
this shirt's days are numbered
If you keep up with such things, you'll know this shirt is about to fall out of favor with the shirt buying public over on shirt.woot (by which I mean it will soon no longer be available*). It's had a good, long run, and I really appreciate the fact that people seem to like it a lot. It's done far better than any of the other shirts I've ever had over there, and it currently sits at the #20 spot in their best selling shirts of all time, if NarfCake is to be believed (and he is).
*It could remain available longer if the sales suddenly magically spike somehow, but I'm not so sure that will happen. They've had quite a few hot sellers in the last few weeks, what with the holidays fast approaching and all.
11:56 PM
Monday, December 05, 2011
Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1850
This was drawn while riding an actual train this evening, though not a boxcar. It's far too cold for that. I can assure you that all of the wiggliness and shakey lines are the result of actual uneven rails.
Also, regarding the previous post: I don't wish to sound ungrateful, especially at this time of year! I'm extremely thankful to the hundreds of you kind folks who took a moment to vote for last week's design. Perhaps the 7 deadly sins will live on in some other media. Time will tell.
11:29 PM
this design is up for a revote
...along with two others. I won't link to the other two, because this one is doing the best of the three, for reasons that should be obvious to people who travel in certain fanatical circles.
Here's the link: CLICK HERE TO VOTE, though I wouldn't be too surprised if this doesn't win. Not to get all Eeyore on you, but last week's loss took the wind right out of my sails.
Speaking of wind, thanks for all the well wishes and notes of concern regarding our epic wind event of a few days ago. All are fine here, and the town is looking 90% better after a full weekend of fallen tree removal.
Meanwhile, I'll be posting about a few more things this week, as time allows. There are lots of projects I've been working on that are finally coming to fruition.
11:24 PM
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Here is a repeat for tonight...
...because we had a horrible wind storm today. All are safe and hopefully things will be back to full speed by tomorrow.
In the off chance I won this week's woof derby, and I'm not awake to blog about it, check out at 11pm mountain time.
Also: some of my "close but no cigar" entries will be up for revote in tomorrow's second chance derby. More details as things develop! Thanks!
6:46 PM